Orchestrate bank payments between buyers and sellers

The problem
Bank payments are a key part of a marketplace's operations when it comes to payouts and payments with a high average transaction value. This often requires large internal teams to manage the operations and in-house bank connectivity to make it work, adding unnecessary costs and risk.
The solution
Atlar makes it easy to manage bank payments between buyers and sellers with a platform designed for secure, reliable automation.
Modern teams choose Atlar
Process pay-ins seamlessly
Automatically reconcile pay-ins from buyers as they are credited to your bank account, enabling you to quickly and programmatically direct funds to sellers.
Charge buyers
Let buyers set up a direct debit in seconds and pay without any friction, while the funds are transferred directly to your bank account without the typical processor fees.
Secure payouts to sellers
Securely automate payouts to sellers on your marketplace or initiate one-off payouts from the Dashboard.